
Laughter, they say, is the best medicine.
It is good to laugh because it releases tension in your muscles. However, there is good laughter and bad laughter.

The good laughter:
To be able to laugh at something is to be able to learn from it.

The bad laughter:
This is when you laugh at a person and make fun of his/her weaknesses.

Jesus made people laugh for example, try to imagine a camel struggling through a needle's eye!
And it was the good laugh, a good sense of humour. Why not imitate Him?

'There is a time to laugh.'
Ecclesiates 3:4


This is that short-lived, yet intense desire for something.
Ask yourself: Is it really necessary? Would my life be different if I did not have it?
Maybe you need to develop other interests to balance this brief and intense feeling.
Usually if you wait a day or two, you might find that it is not that important after all and you can actually do without it.
Try it, you have nothing to loose.


This is when you have an unsatiable appetite, an excessive desire for food and material wealth.
Greed is when you think that your life cannot go on unless you have those 'must-haves' that advertisers dupe you into believing are a necessity.
Therefore develop self-control and self-discipline.
Make a decision not to be swayed by anyone.
Do not act on impulse. Think.
Stand firm or you will fall for anything.


Envy is when you are jealous of others and at the same time not content with what you have.
So to solve this problem wish people well instead. It is so much easier, don't you think?


You destroy laziness by being motivated.
You develop motivation by knowing exactly why you are doing what you are doing.
You know why you are doing something by having clear, realistic goals.
You develop goals by having an objective.
You develop objectives when you have a mission statement.
Your mission statement comes from a vision of who you are and where you want to be.
Sounds familiar?
Of course. It's as easy as A-B-C.


When you have good health, you have great wealth!
Therefore look after yourself and eat well, not too much, just enough.
Good health means:
  • getting enough rest
  • plenty of fresh air
  • Exercise
  • a good diet
  • drink plenty of water
  • sleep if you must.

And who said to be wealthy needs to cost you anything?

Believe in yourself

Things don't always go the way we plan them,
that is a fact of life,
but I know it's sometimes hard to accept
because you ask so much of yourself.

Sometimes, too, disappointment leads to self doubt.
I just want you to know
how much I believe in you.

Because of your capabilites people depend on you more than anyone because,
with all that we've been through together,
you have never let me down.

That's a heavy burden of trust,
but you have shouldered it cheerfully
and always walked the path of good intentions, often the hardest path of all.

Along the road, good things will come to you.
I know, because your road is my road.
And I believe in you.

Written by David Prowse.

Do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you.
Joshua 1:9